Breathwork and life coaching

10 reasons NOT to book a breathwork session with me

1. To improve your lung capacity / breathing technique – This isn’t that type of breathwork. The style of breathwork I work with uses your breath as a tool to help you feel your feelings. It helps you connect back in with those feelings that you usually ignore and push away. Over time, breathwork can to help you let stuff go, to go deep into your heart and your soul and, help you get clearer on what you really want. You might cry. You might laugh. You might get tingly hands. You probably won’t change the way you breathe in your day-to-day.

2. Because you want a “quick fix” for something – It’s unlikely that one breathwork session will “fix” whatever it is you think needs “fixing.” You might have a big release in your first session but you also might not. The chances are that whatever it is you’re going through or everything that you’re feeling, grappling with etc, built up gradually over time. Releasing all of that will also probably be gradual and, most likely, take time.

3. You’re looking for something you can do quickly / on the spot to calm you down when you feel anxious – The style of breathwork I work with should be done lying down (or seated if lying down isn’t available to you.) It’s not meant to be used as a “quick, let me do this before I give this presentation” type-tool. (I can suggest other tools for that.)

4. You want someone who practices what they preach every day – Honestly, I want to. Like REALLY want to, I’m just not there yet and that’s ok. I still say and do things and later think “Liz, sweetheart, maybe next time we’ll handle that differently.” I do breathwork most days but not everyday.

5. You don’t feel ready yet – Come to breathwork when you’re ready.

6. You want to work with someone in person – I currently work online via zoom. On the plus side, that means I can work with you wherever you are in the world! It also means that you can do breathwork in your PJ’s if you like!

If you’re running an event / retreat / workshop in Australia and would like to organise an in-person breathwork session for your community, drop me an email and lets chat about it.

7. You want to work with someone who is more formal – I’m pretty informal. I take what I do seriously but I don’t take myself too seriously. I may show up on screen in a big hoodie or a muscle t-shirt, my hair may be a touch askew (it’s a curly hair thing!) I may also occasionally swear.

8. You want to work with someone who has everything figured out – I 100% do not have everything figured out, nor do I pretend to. I’m still learning and exploring and unlearning and growing… and I hope I always will be.

9. You are looking for a mental health practitioner – I’m not a mental health practitioner. I’ve done a short course to learn more about trauma-informed care but this does not make me a mental health practitioner.

10 – You are allergic to Star Wars references – There’s not a lot in my 1:1 sessions but they do creep up occasionally.



If you ARE looking for something that will gently crack you open, breathwork may be what you’ve been looking for.

If you’re ready to let go and surrender, breathwork can help support you.

If you’re ready to put down whatever it is that you’ve been carrying around,  breathwork can help you do that.

If you’re tired of pushing your emotions away, scared to feel them in case they overwhelm you, breathwork can help you to start to feel them again.

If a deep knowing that something needs to change, breathwork may be the key.

If you’re looking for someone who will hold, and deeply respect, the space for your breathwork session and still find room for lightheartedness, I’m your woman.

If you’re looking for someone who is excited to share what they have learnt so far while still learning and growing more, I’m your woman.

If you’re looking for someone who doesn’t fit the IG mould of what a “wellness practitioner” should look like, dress like or, sound like – I’m your woman.

If you’re looking for someone who will give you a high five across the zoom screen to celebrate with you, then (you guessed it…) I’m your woman.



Interested in trying breathwork?


May the Force be with you my friend
