Breathwork and life coaching

Explore and be in community with others.

It can sometimes feel like you’re the only one who wants more out of life. When everyone around you seems to be following the same recipe and doing life using the same template, you can feel like the odd one out when you do something different. You might even feel guilty for wanting more, thinking that wanting more means you don’t value or appreciate what you have already. Coming together in community shows you that you aren’t alone. You aren’t the only one who wants more. You aren’t the only one who wants to do things differently.

Maybe you’re completely new to breathwork or coaching and just want to dip your toe in. Maybe you’ve been doing breathwork or 1:1 coaching for a while and are ready to be witnessed in community with others.

Maybe you’re somewhere in between or maybe you’re in a completely different place. Groups can be a great way to be introduced to breathwork, to support your regular breathwork practice. They can also be a potent compliment to coaching.

You aren’t the only one who wants more for their life.

Welcome to Breathwork circles and workshops!

Each breathwork workshop is designed around a specific theme. We go deep into the topic in the first half of the workshop and then I will lead you though a group breathwork session. Previous workshops topics include: Self love, Exploring your values, Getting the relationship you really want.

Breathwork circles don’t have a theme, they are designed to give you the space to bring your own intention or focus to the session.

All group sessions are run via zoom (unless otherwise stated), so you can join from wherever you have internet access. The sessions are recorded so, if you can’t make it live, you can catch the replay.

Love yourself more so that you’re less likely to beat yourself up as you explore and figure things out.

Trust yourself more and be more certain through the uncertainty.

Release old emotions and self-beliefs that you’ve carried around for years, so that you can move forward and feel lighter.

Finally get your brain to shut up so that you can hear your body, your soul, your intuition, your deep inner knowing. Start to notice and pay attention to the things that make you curious, that spark a certain something and nudge you towards something unexpected.


The session starts with the workshop portion where we go deep into the topic, you’ll be invited to respond to some journal prompts and think about what the questions mean for you in your life. Then, it’s time to breathe. As a group we settle in and I will lead you through a group breathwork session. There will be time afterwards to reflect and share (if you want to.)


We will come together as a group and everyone will set their intention for the session. Then, it’s straight into breathwork. There will be time afterwards for reflection.

Beginners are welcome at all group sessions. I teach the breathing pattern that we will be working with at the beginning of each session.

All group sessions are run via zoom (unless otherwise stated), so you can join from wherever you have internet access. The sessions are recorded so, if you can’t make it live, you can catch the replay.

Make decisions and clear plans from a place of deep inner knowing about what’s right for you.

Liz sat on a red rug preparing for a Breathwork session

Experience breathwork in community with others.

Join my mailing list to be notified as soon as new workshops are announced.

Liz sat on a red rug preparing for a Breathwork session

Experience breathwork in community with others.

Join my mailing list to be notified as soon as new workshops are announced.


The best way to find out about upcoming groups is by joining my mailing list. You’ll get all the information, straight to your inbox.

Absolutely! I offer private 1:1 sessions for both breathwork and coaching.

You can hire me to create and provide custom sessions for your membership community, employees, team or group. Please email me to discuss your needs.

I do indeed. I work on the honour system so won’t ask you for proof of anything, I do ask that you pay full price if you can as this supports me to be able to do this work. Read more about sliding scale pricing.

Drop me an email or book in for a discovery call to find out more about how breathwork and coaching can help you.

Download your free guided breathwork meditation, and more, when you sign up to my mailing list.

Get clear, get unstuck and move forward

The Getting Unstuck workbook, full of powerful questions to help you un-stick yourself.

Guided breathwork meditation to help you go deeper and connect into your inner knowing.

Use them together, or use them individually.

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