Breathwork and life coaching

Tap into your deepest desires

Tap into your deepest desires

Tap into your deepest desires

As humans, we like to rely on our brains a LOT. We tend to believe that if we just think about something long enough, or hard enough, then we’ll come up with the solution or the answer we’re looking for.

Your body, your soul and, your intuition hold a deeper wisdom. By connecting back in you can learn to hear your deepest soul desires more clearly. Maybe you start to see things from a new perspective, maybe you feel your heart begin open and to accept love from others or, maybe you realise how much you’ve been carrying around with you and start to put it down.

When you listen to your body, your soul and your heart, you can get much clearer about what is truly important and what you really, truly, desire.

Guided breathwork meditaion audio

Breathwork can help you let go and release. It can help you to gently start to feel your feelings again. It can help you to re-connect to both your body and your intuition.

A great way to get your first flavour of breathwork, this short 15 minute guided breathwork mediation audio is able to be downloaded to your device* so you can use it whenever and wherever you need it. The audio file is accompanied by an e-book with additional information about how to get set up to do breathwork for the first time.

Getting unstuck workbook

11 questions / journal prompts to help get you thinking in a new way. These prompts can help you dig a little deeper into what’s going on in and understand more about why, and where, you feel stuck. And it’s not just about thinking about it all, the workbook also has prompts to help you make a realistic plan for how to move forward, and how to get unstuck.

Guided meditation audio

For when you don’t feel like breathwork but you do feel like meditation. This short guided mediation can help you take a few moments for yourself during the day, helping you to feel calmer, more centered and grounded.

Connect with your body, release stored emotions, tap into your intuition.

Get clear, get unstuck, move forward.

Calm and centre yourself.

Connect with your body, release stored emotions, tap into your intuition.

Get clear, get unstuck, move forward.

Calm and centre yourself.

Get all of these, for free, by joining my mailing list. Just pop your details in the boxes below and let the magic internet pixies do the rest!

* This product needs to be downloaded to your computer – you can transfer the audio files to your device from there.

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