Breathwork and life coaching

How to turn down the noise

I wrote recently about how when we are presented with too many choices we can feel overwhelmed and often end up not making a decision at all.


The thing same happens when we get overloaded by too many messages about what we should be doing with our lives – and this can look like us Wanting To Do All Of The Things All At Once…


So how can you turn down the noise? How can you reduce the number of these messages that flash before your eyes every day?

1 – Reduce the amount of external input
Turn down or mute the volume on ads on the TV, streaming service, social media.

Ads are purposefully set at a louder volume than what you were watching before as a way of grabbing your attention. Turning down, or even muting the volume, means that the ad is less likely to command your attention.


Listening to a podcast can help pass the time on a train ride and / or be fun to listen to while you are cooking up a storm, but if you find yourself with a near permeant sound track of podcasts all talking about different ways of living maybe it’s time to give yourself a break. Try listening to some music instead.

If you’ve just started a new hobby or project and you listen to a bunch of podcasts telling you how wonderful something else is you’re probably going to enjoy that new hobby or project a little less. no matter how excited you were 5 minutes ago.*


2 – Create some quiet space
Creating some quiet space, even if it’s for a few minutes, can give you a pocket of peace. It can be a break from all the noise.

Breathwork meditation, traditional meditation, sitting quietly with a cup of tea or coffee and just staring out of the window, gazing out of the window on that train journey, go for a walk or a hike (or surfing or hula hooping if that’s your thing!)


3 – Unfollow
One of the reasons we can get trapped in that feeling of doing one thing but looking over the fence at someone doing something else is because deep down we are afraid that we are “doing life wrong.”

Unfollow people on your socials who poke at those ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m doing life wrong’ feelings. These messages that dig into that deep fear aren’t always explicit and intentional, sometimes they can be intentional and subconscious, sometimes they can be unintentional. It isn’t about the intent, it’s about the impact. If the impact is that you feel ‘less than’, that you don’t feel good enough, then give yourself a break and unfollow.


This isn’t inspiration. Inspiration comes from a place of hope and magic and is full of “what if…”



4 – Rest
Quite often the urge to sit on the sofa and eat pizza is because you are tired or overwhelmed or, because you’re tired and overwhelmed.

Have a nap, get some more sleep, sit on the sofa and eat pizza if you want to.


If you want to really get into untangling all of this, what it means for you and your life AND figure our what you actually want for your very own life, I offer 1:1 personalised coaching and breathwork sessions.

We’ll use life coaching to talk to your brain and breathwork meditation to talk with your heart / soul / inner knowing.


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Read the full paper here:

TVC audio: